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Los Angeles News Anchor, L.A. enthusiast

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wednesday's Child book

"Finding a Forever Family: A News Anchor's Notebook" 
by Christine Devine

Available on Amazon.com

"Is this my special day" he asked?

His face face was full of freckles, his eyes were pools of green, his lashes longer than any I'd seen on an eight year old boy.

His name is Bryan and we were there for his Wednesday's Child shoot.  Bryan was in foster care and my job was to help find him a "Forever Family."

Bryan, like all kids in county care, was in foster care through no fault of his own.  He sadly told me his mom "slept alot."  I guessed that meant she was on drugs and out it.  That falls in the category of abuse, abandonment or neglect, the reasons children are in foster care.

"Is this my special day?"  When Bryan asked that question it came right after I wrote my book "Finding a Forever Family."  It was because of children like Bryan that I wrote the book.  It was for every child ever in foster care.  It was for anyone ever considering adoption.  It was for anyone who has adopted.  It is the real deal.  It is my journey through the Wednesday's Child program on Fox 11 News that has led to more than 500 children finding a permanent place to call home.


It was inspired by a boy named Jared, given new energy through a boy named Darnell, and empowered by a girl named Madison.  It tells of the highs and lows, the risks and reality, the hopes and dreams, the fight for a future.  It honors are heroes.  Our social workers, our adoptive parents, our courageous kids willing to tell their story.

Madison & family

On a personal note, it is also my personal story.  It is the story of my own adoption by my step-father, my adopted brother and my foster siblings.  Like any auto-biography it is meant to inspire and empower.  I thank every parent who participated and despite any traumas and dramas continue to mentor and adopt.

And now back to Bryan.  His special day meant a VIP day with one of LA's sporting teams.  It meant a profile on Fox 11.  It meant an all out effort for find him a Forever Family.  While my book has been out since March, Bryan is a reminder that our effort isn't over.  He is matched with an adoptive family.  Stay tuned for adoption day!

"Finding a Forever Family: A News Anchor's Notebook" 
by Christine Devine

Available on Amazon.com

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Freddie Mac Foundation for renewing sponsorship of Wednesday's Child for another two years!! Was just in DC and got the news!! And got news another boy is being adopted!! This Friday!!
